If you are on campus, be sure your device is using the Hillspot wireless network, not the Guest network. Hillspot is the network intended for academic use. Guest is intended for visitors and does not permit access to many campus resources, including article databases. Before first using Hillspot, your device must beregistered. Go to the Information TechnologyKnowledge Base and click on "Network Access". Click further to see information on the Hillspot and Guest networks and on Device Registration. If you have trouble configuring you device, contact the IT Help Desk in Duffy room 025, (508 565-1435).
If you are off campus, click on the same link for the desired resource that you would use from on campus. You should then be prompted to login with your Stonehill account. If after that you are still unable to access library resources, call the Library Desk (508 565-1313) and ask for help from a Librarian , so one of us can work with you to figure out the problem.